To those who suffer from diseases of stomach and duodenum!

Doctor Poveshchenko

Doctor Alexander Poveshchenko graduated from the Zaporozhye Medical Institute (Ukraine) by specialty «Medical business» in 1973. After graduation from the Institute he worked as a surgeon at Emergency Hospital.

Since 1981 he has been working as endoscopist, he has been mastering and carrying out endoscopic researches and medicinal endoscopy in case of diseases of stomach and duodenum (treatment of ulcers, erosion of stomach and duodenum, he has been conducting endoscopic operations on removal of stomach polyps, endoscopic treatment of ulcerous bleeding, extraction of foreign bodies from gastrointestinal tract).

Since 1985 he has been mastering and successfully applying endoscopic laser therapy for treatment of ulcers of stomach and duodenum.

Good results have been achieved during complex treatment of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum and of erosive gastroduodenitis in combination with endoscopic laser therapy.

More than 50 thousand of people have been examined and treated with a considerable positive effect.

A. Poveshchenko is the author of many articles on medicinal endoscopy such as: «Arrest of gastro duodenal bleeding by introduction of Liphuzoly» through endoscope» (at present this question is highly urgent for treatment of the after-effects of peptic ulcer). Such works as, for example, «Endoscopic laser therapy in complex treatment of ulcers of stomach and duodenum», «Our 7-year experience of endoscopy» and others, published in the collected articles «Materials of the Scientific-Practice Conference of Endoscopists of Ukraine», 1996, Kiev, are indicative of the great experience of successful application of endoscopic therapy in complex treatment of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum.

A. Poveshchenko is the doctor of higher category, candidate of medical sciences, member of Kiev Academy of Non-traditional Medicine (since 1998), active participant of: the First All-Union Scientific-Practice Conference and All-Union Symposium on problem «Application of laser in medicine», 1985, Lvov; International Scientific-Practice Symposium «Emergency surgical gastroenterology», 1989; Scientific-Practice Conference of Endoscopists of Ukraine «Urgent problems of diagnostic and medicinal endoscopy», 1996, Kiev; XIII International Scientific-Practice Conference «Application of laser in medicine and biology», 1999; scientific-practice conferences on gastroenterology.

Here are some published works of doctor Poveshchenko on treatment of ulcers of stomach and duodenum.

«Endoscopic laser therapy in complex treatment of ulcers of stomach and duodenum»

«Our 7-year experience of endoscopy»

In Kiev newspaper «Business News» (No.6 dd. 19.02.1996) in the article «Laser:defied a surgeon» the author writes: «Doctor Poveshchenko uses unique methods of treatment of patients with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum. Methods of more effective medicinal action not only on an ulcer, but also on a whole gastrointestinal zone are developed and successfully applied in practice, and this allows to achieve nearly 100 % result.»